6 week business coaching program http://francescamamlin.com/index.php/coaching/
Patreon page https://www.patreon.com/EmpoweredEntrepreneurs
Yoga Nidra Event http://francescamamlin.com/index.php/2019/04/17/yoga-nidra-manifestation-session-with-julie-and-francesca/
Time is truly the only non-renewable resource. The only real risk you ever run is that you are going to waste a bunch of time on something and not be proud of how that time was spent.
Take massive, inspired action, not impulsive action. Inspired action moves you towards your desires, and impulsive action moves you away from your fears. Too many people are motivated by moving away from their fears. That’s no way to build a life.
Remember that life is about more than just work. Five ways to channel your recklessness…
Manage and protect your time and energy.
Be laser focused on your purpose.
Let go of what other people think of you.
Responsibility is about being in integrity with yourself and meeting external obligations.
Learn from your failures.If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a rating and review on iTunes
Check out my Patreon page: Patreon.com/EmpoweredEntrepreneurs
Application to my business coaching services http://francescamamlin.com/index.php/coaching/