Trigger warning: This episode deals with death and addiction - if you are sensitive to these topics, this episode may not be right for you.
After last week's episode with death doula and homeopath Kathy Yeo, I knew Bex Feltmann would be the perfect guest to have on to help us further integrate these heavy but needed topics. Bex is an allopathic RN turned holistic healer who had her world rocked by the loss of her sister and the traumatic birth of her daughter less than a year later.
Drawing on her own personal experience of loss and trauma, as well as years of professional exposure, her therapeutic support through any and all of life's transitions is always individualized, presence-and-mindfulness based, and trauma sensitive using a variety of individualized healing modalities. She is trained in Compassionate Bereavement Care and uses astrology as a tool to empower her clients.
She offers holistic healing support services with the intention to empower her clients to heal themselves by honoring their experience in all of it's pieces, the dark and the light, the good and the bad, the peaks and valleys in a safe and sacred space. Her work is rooted in self awareness and self acceptance. When we can find love and acceptance for ourselves we can more readily offer it out to the world, and who could say that we couldn't use more of that?!
Find Bex:
Compassionate Bereavement Care(TM) training program description:
Compassionate Bereavement Care(TM) provider locator:
MISS Foundation-
Elisabeth Kubler Ross Foundation (5 Stages of Grief work)-
Book: Bearing the Unbearable by Dr. Joanne Cacciatore with the MISS Foundation (my training program mentor-
Book: Bridging Two Realms by John Holland (recognition of my grieving process and nudge into mysticism)-
Ted Talk: Cailee:
Human Design & Homeopathy