What in the WORLD Do I Do in My Life???
SO, I haven’t shared a lot of what I do in 1:1 Coaching because truly I just have so much going on in my head and as an Enneagram 9, we usually dismiss our skills and talents as total non-existent until our 3 shows up and expects us to ‘TELL THE WORLD!” because “THE WORLD IS YOUR STAGE!” It brings some confusion to the situation, for sure.
SO… I thought that the best way to share what I do is by interviewing one of my AMAZING clients! Who doesn’t love a good testimony??????
When I was truly in the depths of despair, God had already provided an answer. An answer that was my own life line flotation device while I was drowning in a pool of sadness, confusion, and lack of purpose. I was in real estate at the time (and I NEVER hesitate to share that my office and co-workers were THE BEST ON PLANET EARTH FOR LIKE EVER (shout out, ERA Courtyard Amarillo!!! You my people!) but the industry truly wasn’t for me in the state of emotional distress that I found myself in re-entering the workforce with lots of personal growth needs! lol)
By happenstance, I found AFT while I was perusing YouTube.
I watched a live AFT Session, and then since I have eleventy thousand essential oils, I decided to follow along with my own session and BOOM.
I LITERALLY had an emotional healing and break through like I was SO looking for….and it was SO FAST. Then I proceeded to do the process on my hubby and 3 sons. They were less than excited but afterwards, their lids were blown. They confirmed everything I had experienced the day before and made me certain that it wasn’t all in my dramatic mind! LOL
And since there was a certification class launching in less than a month, I signed up, started the process a few weeks later and I’d say that rest is history. I’ve been facilitating women’s breakthroughs and a-ha moments ever since!!!!! SO, enjoy this testimony of my amazing client, friend, and colleague….Christie Bilbrey…..
You can find me at www.thesacredsparkle.com
the_sacred_sparkle on IG
Sacred Sparkle on FB and YT
Apply for a 1:1 Complimentary, 30 minute Freedom Strategy Call at http://www.bit.ly/freedom-strategy