Both prolific and philosophical, while also containing potential, Emil Amos is a legend in the world of music, art, culture and existential expressionism. A career that spans back some 30 odd years, Amos first began his jarring journey in music during his college years in NC, where he also met his longtime friend and cosmic brother, the great comedian, Duncan Trussell. Throughout the decades, Amos would go on to establish his solo outfit Holy Sons, the mighty Grails, Lilacs & Champagne, jumping on the chrome throne for OM and his impeccable podcast called, Drifter's Sympathy.
We explore the depths of the chronic psyche, the immeasurable impact of the punk scene throughout the 1980s, more specifically Ian MacKye, and the landscape of emotion, motivation, meditation and perseverence as Amos takes on an ancient journey that begins and ends all at once in this epic practice in connnection, communication and cosmic camaraderie.