How often have we seen our friend need support and thought, “Someone else will do it.” Or “They’ll understand if I don’t. They’ll be fine.” Probably more times than we would like to admit. But, how often do we realize, while we wait for someone else to show up for our friend, no one actually does show up for them. In this episode I discuss having awareness about showing up for yourself and showing up for your friends. We all know about haters. But how often is it discussed just how painful it is to feel a lack of loud and proud support from your own friends? This is something I personally have been in pain over for quite sometime but felt I shouldn’t really say. So, let’s discuss. How have you shown up for your friends lately? Have you shown up at all? Maybe you think so. But too often, we don’t know what is going on in our friend’s lives, and we don’t know how much of a difference our inactivity can make in their lives. If your friends have a business, or create something, have you bought from them? Have you shared their work? Or have you sat around, verbally supporting and not backing them up? If you are always waiting for someone else to do the nice thing, and someone else is always waiting for you to do the nice thing, when is the nice thing getting done? Who suffers? Let’s all be more aware of our actions, and take accountability for our lack thereof. Stop waiting for someone else to do what you could for someone else. ~ xoxo. s. 🌹