Dr Anthony Chaffee, MD is an American doctor currently practicing in Australia. He has been eating a meat based diet on and off for the last 23 years and has been on a strict carnivore diet for the last 10 years. He has a private practice which helps people heal using a carnivore diet. He has also played professional rugby and used a meat based diet to enhance his performance.
Dr Anthony Chaffee's YouTube Channel:
His Links:
Why We Are Carnivores Slide Presentation, With Anthony Chaffee:
All Links:
(01:02) Why Humans Are Carnivores
(10:15) Send This To Mr Beast! (How To Fix Crohns)
(20:32) Heart Disease Myths (Sugar Industry Corruption)
(22:46) Humans Aren't Supposed To Age & Get Sick
(28:08) Whole Food Meat Vs Whole Food Plant Based Diet
(33:10) Biased Studies (Origins Of The Plant Based Agenda)
(36:37) Children Need High Quality Protein AKA Animal Products (Source:
(38:50) Carcinogens In Vegetables
(42:34) Plant Defence Chemicals In Fruit
(52:35) Does Insulin Have Any Benefits (Electrolytes & Recovery?)
(58:22) What About Eating Carbs And Then Fasting?
(01:00:08) Keto & Exercise (You Don't Hit 'The Wall')
(01:03:24) 'Fructose Is A Drug'
(01:05:31) Andrew Huberman's Experience On A Carnivore Diet
(01:15:32) Muscle Cramps On A Carnivore Diet (Electrolytes & Carbs)
(01:23:52) Do You Need Liver Or Eggs On A Carnivore Diet (Folate)
(01:38:06) Liver King's Effect On The Carnivore Community
(01:42:06) How To Explain Carnivore To People (How To Break Through Dogma)
(01:52:04) The Hierarchy Of Foods (What To Cut Out First)
(01:59:16) Dairy On The Carnivore Diet
(02:05:00) 'All Things In Moderation' Is Bad Advice
(02:07:52) Dr Chaffee's Rugby Career
(02:18:37) Hormesis Debunked (Dr Idz Vs Dr Chaffee)
(02:31:19) mTOR (Meat & Aging)
(02:35:59) Nutrient Requirements On Carnivore (Vitamin C & Iodine. Different To The RDAs?)
(02:40:32) Why Dr Chaffee Started Posting Content
(02:41:57) The Great Awakening
(02:43:25) Where Is Dr Chaffee From?
(02:44:12) Further Reading/ Find Doctor Chaffee
(02:45:37) A Message To People With An Autoimmune Issue
(02:47:30) A Message To Vegans/ Vegetarians
(02:53:53) Find Doctor Chaffee & Support The Podcast
STUDIES (Chronological Order)
Harvard Study Looking At 2000 People On The Carnivore Diet: (Behavioral Characteristics and Self-Reported Health Status among 2029 Adults Consuming a "Carnivore Diet")
Eliminating Carbs & Fibre Helped Put Crohns Into Remission: (Crohn's disease: maintenance of remission by diet)
Study With Masai And Akikuyu Tribes (Whole Food Meat Based Vs Whole Food Plant Based): (Studies of Nutrition: The Physique and Health of Two African Tribes)
Toxins Produced By Plants Outweigh Chemical Pesticides By A Factor Of 10000 Times: (Dietary pesticides (99.99% all natural))
Study On Zinc Absorption With Black Beans & Corn Tortillas: (Studies on the bioavailability of zinc in man II Absorption of zinc from organic and inorganic sources)