Matt and Jay discuss why moving your home (and change in general) is so hard, why you should look forward to it, and how to do it the right way!
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Intro: Moving Your Home SUCKS
Of the 43 items on the Holmes and Rahe Stress test, moving your home includes at least 10 (and often many more) of the items on that list
The odds of you getting sick purely as a result of high levels of stress either during or after a move are very high!
Some studies show that more than 50% of people don’t move even though they’re unhappy where they are simply because it’s too stressful
One recent study shows that Moving Your Home is more stressful than
Relationship breakdown
Starting a new job
Or even divorce! (Although that probably depends on how much you hate your spouse)
Reasons Why Moving Your Home Is So Hard
You have to move your whole life
You have to go through everything you own, one piece at a time
Then you have to pack it up, put in in the truck, drive it, take it out of the truck, take it up and down stairs, then unpack it (or have a mover do it all)
You’re hardwired to resist change
Habits are hard to make and then they’re hard to break
Moving your home requires breaking MANY habits in a very short period of time
You have to make lots and lots and LOTS of decisions
Where to live (price, amenities, neighborhood, neighbors, landlords for renters, escrow and negotiating for buyers, condition of house, how badly did they lie/conceal issues?, etc, etc)
Where to work (hopefully you have a job nearby already)
Saying goodbye to your old friends
The challenges of meeting new people
Where is all the new stuff you need to survive? (Grocery stores, supply stores, schools, restaurants, parks, good parts of town/bad parts of town, etc)
Moving your home is EXPENSIVE
Rent truck, packing, first & last month’s rent/deposit on new home, new furniture, things for the new place, storage, movers (or favors owed to friends), insurance, broken things,
Feeling Out of Control
Lots of random things happen that you can’t control
Flat tires, movers quitting, weather is super hot/cold, your back goes out,
Mistakes that you will make
Bad planning, missed details, things forgotten,
Your timeline is at the mercy of other people and circumstances
People don’t return calls. People forget. You’re put “in a cue” in a computer somewhere.
Shit WILL Go Sideways
Things will go wrong. Count on it.
Ie. In my case, my good buddy who was going to fly down to San Diego and help me move - his dad died just a couple days ago. Super Sad. His dad was a great guy. So not only will he not be able to help me move, I’ll be heading up to Northern California for the funeral instead of moving on the weekend I had scheduled and now I have to juggle a bunch of stuff around. That’s how things are when you move. Unforeseen problems WILL HAPPEN. That’s the nature of the beast.
How to Cope with the Difficult Parts of Moving Your Home
Expect they’ll be difficult
Save a bunch of money (much more than you think you’ll need)
Take a lot of extra time (schedule at least 2x what you think you’ll need)
Get help (friends, family, movers, other pros)
Take breaks
Keep your body loose and stretched out (most people get injured moving!)
The Hard-but-Great Things About Moving Your Home
New experiences
New, cool place to live (or, if it’s a fixer-upper, the opportunity to create one)
New friends
Opportunity to declutter!
The better you are at moving, the better you are at travel
And travel is one of the few things that ALWAYS improves your life
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