In this episode of The Unfair Advantage, Sean welcomes Tyler Scott (CPC in Danville, CA), James Grogan (East Lake in Southern California), and Danny Strange (Three Crosses, Northern California) to explore the steps toward becoming a multiplying church. The discussion emphasizes the "crawl, walk, run" approach to church planting, sharing practical insights from each leader's experience. From embracing self-awareness and addressing organizational challenges to cultivating outward-focused leadership and partnerships, this episode is packed with actionable strategies for pastors and church leaders eager to impact their communities and beyond.
Welcome to Episode 032 of The Unfair Advantage Podcast with today’s guest host, Sean Morgan!
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Tyler serves as Lead Pastor at CPC (Community Presbyterian Church) in Danville. Tyler gets to pastor the church that he grew up in! He is a graduate of De La Salle High School, UCLA (B.A.), Pepperdine University (M.B.A.), and Fuller Theological Seminary (M.Div.). Tyler has served as a pastor at CPC since 2012. Tyler has been married to Bridget for 18 years. She’s an amazing wife, mom, and friend (and chiropractor). Together, they have three bold boys--Trevor (15), Owen (13) and Cole (11).
James is the Lead Pastor at Eastlake Church, a growing movement of churches founded in Chula Vista, CA, which includes several locations in Southern California and Tijuana, Mexico. James is also a catalyst leader of the San Diego Church Plant Movement. He has worked in full-time local church ministry for over 25 years, with the last 19 spent on staff at Eastlake Church. James and his wife Rebecca have been married for 24 years and have 3 children of their own and have also served as foster parents for a few amazing children.
Danny Strange is currently beginning his third year as Senior Pastor of 3Crosses, a diverse church in the SF Bay Area ( Prior to serving as Senior Pastor, Danny spent 19 years on staff at 3Crosses, serving in various capacities since 2000. Born and raised in the East Bay, Danny currently lives in Castro Valley with his wife Jessica and six children (Jackson 14, Carter 12, Hudson 11, Brady 8, Harper 6 and Peyton 6).
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