Jana Beam Powers is a Massage Therapist, Arvigo Maya Abdominal Massage Practitioner and intuitive healer. She specializes in woman's reproductive and digestive health. She provides hands on healing as well as coaching on diet, supplements, emotional health and sexual trauma healing.
The Maya Massage technique is based on a traditional massage that has been used for centuries in South America reproductive and digestive issues. Rosita Arvigo recognized this treatment while travelling to the area, and trained under the shaman Don Julito who was performing the therapy there.
Conditions such as endometriosis, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), infertility, fibroids, polyps, misaligned uterus, scarring from surgeries, and painful cycles can all be helped with Maya Massage.
Jana has helped even those who have had unsuccessful exploratory surgeries, during which more scar tissue was created during the procedure on top of what the patient possibly already had and was causing their original health issue.
I celebrate my ultrasound results with Jana after the 7 therapy sessions I've had so far with her, and Jana recollects some of her favorite healing success stories from her clients.
We talk supplements as well as complementary therapies for feminine health.
Jana also integrates energy work into her coaching which helps her clients deal with traumas, letting go of others' baggage so they can deal with their own emotions. This allows her clients to get to a place where they can process their emotions, branch out, and enjoy life in a state of bliss rather than a state of emotional and physical pain.