True growth and success is always sustainable. It’s not a short sprint with an inevitable physical, mental, and emotional crash. All goals are means, not ends. Each succeeding stage of your progression should clearly build one-upon-another, leaving you stronger and more able, not weaker and permanently damaged. In order to do this, to grow and develop sustainably for the rest of your life, you must properly “recover” from the following things on a daily basis: Work Technology People Food Fitness Being awake Unless you adequately recover in these areas, your life is a mess. Moreover, by adequately recovering, you’ll be empowered to more fully engage in these activities. Recovery is essential to success in all areas of life. I’m going to detail the scientific findings and applications related to proper recovery In this episode we dive into the first three, Work, Technology, and People. And we'll cover the other three in Part 2. Follow for more!