Having exhausted every good idea over the course of the first 99 episodes (and the 27-ish commentary episodes, the Star Wars miniseries, the Fast and the Furious miniseries, the pilot for their next venture, and some other random sidesteps), the boys are left with only the show itself to talk about. So enjoy this very special, very narcissistic, totally not requested Behind the Music-style episode.
As always, we'd like to thank Laura Hammond of the webcomic XP for our show's art, Bensound.com for our outro music, everyone who contributed to this week's (or any week's!) episode, and you the listener for sticking with us! If you like what you hear, there's a whole back catalogue over on the site! Follow us for updates on our next grand adventure, Quantum Leap of Faith!
See you soon!
[Cue "Don't You (Forget About Me)" by Simple Minds... You know, from The Breakfast Club...]