Tired of this quarantine yet? I know it's an inconvenience, but hey, I'll stay inside, eat junk food, binge Netflix, read voraciously, and write poetry and blog posts and articles to my heart's content -- if it will keep people safe. :)
More seriously, we are living through an historical moment.
But right now, we are mostly living through it in our houses, and that can get kind of old.
Are you stir crazy? Feeling some cabin fever?
In this episode, I read a blog post called "Same Stream. New Experience," which is all about how you can learn to see your surroundings in a new way even if, like me, you've been stuck there for --let's see, for me this is -- seventy six days!
Give it a listen and then look around and notice your living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen, patio, whatever it is, in a whole new way.
Check out my eBook 2-Minute Zen: Creating a More Mindful Self-Care Practice: https://zenprocourses.com/p/2-minute-zen