Welcome to Episode 17.
Living solo, do you ever find that a lot of what is said in the media, portrayed in television shows and movies, and even assumed in conversations with friends and family about single life isn't all that true?
Are you enjoying your solo life, despite friends or family constantly asking if you're seeing anyone, when you're going to start seeing someone, or if you think you'll start seeing someone at some point in the future?
During my years of thriving on my own, I've seen those myths that are written and assumed about singles, and I've experienced the cringingly boring question of..."So, are you seeing anyone?" many times before.
It was a few years ago when I came across many articles that were backed by research and statistics, were speaking my language and that resonated with me so well...saying that many singles are truly happy being single, that the amount of people choosing to be single is growing, and that no, not all single people are out at the bars all weekend looking for love.
The woman who wrote those articles that spoke to my solo heart is none other than social scientist, author, teacher, blogger, TEDx speaker and expert on single life, Bella DePaulo, Ph.D. Today, I'm thrilled to share our recent conversation we had on the podcast.
During our conversation, Bella and I discuss:
- What inspired her to shift her research career to the study of single life
- Some of the biggest myths vs. realities about single life
- The growing trend of focus on other types of relationships
- And my favorite, what it means to be Single At Heart
I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did.
Want to learn more about Bella, keep up with more of her findings, and dive in to other resources that support solo living? Below are some resources to check out:
Bella's website:
From Bella's website, the section on singles (click the first link to get to my blogs):
For anyone interested in learning more about “single at heart”:
Other resources:
And come leave a comment to let us know your thoughts, and if you think you're Single at Heart here: