About three years ago, three of our kids were officially diagnosed with Celiac Disease. We detail our long road to a diagnosis, as well as some of the things we've learned along the way.
A quick note: we are not doctors. This is our family's experience and every person's symptoms and needs for food allergies is going to be different. We do not dispense anything but learned wisdom about our experience and don't talk about the causes or reasons for Celiac. We don't know enough to speak about it. Plus, this podcast is supposed to be funny and that stuff isn't very funny.
Highlights from this episode: Trying to be funny, reporting a concern, more poop problems, so many bodily functions, getting tested, "Crabb's go big or go home", Micah on the laughing gas, gluten-free bread sucks, dental filling have gluten(!?), hit us up for resources, Tina of Delphi, Tina wants out, and stumbling to the finish line.
As we mentioned in the past couple episodes, to opt in to our next giveaway, go to our FB Page and give to the Minnesota Freedom Fund.
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