LISTEN: For the 14th installment of the MJW Careers' Jobsticker's podcast, we discuss the 3 types of cover letters out there for your choosing.
Do you know the 3 types of #coverletters? Which one is good for you on your #jobhunt?
Today on my weekly Wednesday (at 2:00 PM EST) Live Jobsticker’s Jobseeker Resource Show on LinkedIn, I cover the 3 types of cover letters in a sea of options available to #jobseekers.
The 3️⃣ types I discuss are:
✅ Job Target Cover Letter –
➡️ Introductory letter that sets up your resume
➡️ Introduces you to the employer
➡️ Tells them what you are applying for
➡️ Value you offer and your USP
➡️ Demonstrates an understanding of the position and why you’re are a good fit
➡️ Can mention a COVID layoff
✅ Disruptive Cover Letter –
➡️ How do you emotionally connect with their brand
➡️ Tell them your first time you used their product/service
➡️ Share a personal story that connects with them
➡️ Help them understand what life experience has made you feel like part of their tribe
➡️ Diagnose a potential employer problem and explain to them how you’re going to alleviate their pain
➡️ How will you know what your hiring manager’s biggest problem is
➡️ Think about what your possible future boss is up against in his or her job
➡️ If the organization is growing fast, they need help keeping up
➡️ If the organization is large, it may be slow to react to market changes
➡️ Every organization has pain! Identify it and let the potential boss know how you will help ease the pain
❇️ Goal? Try to draw them in and create an emotional reaction, which can convert into a connection. Now you’ll get the request for an interview.