This is the final episode of Total Rambles, Well, at least how you know “Total Rambles” When I decided to do this it was originally a easy way for me to create content and share my ideas and views on the world etc. and then Ryan joined the show 3 weeks ago and it certainly helped with yarning. But yarning only got us so far. We were plagued with scheduling & audio issues as we record remotely, so we have decided.... That we will re-brand and invest in this and come back in a couple weeks with a much more polished product. We had a pretty good meeting this week and are actively working on our new Podcast! Total Rambles will continue on within our new format and we are pretty excited about sharing it with you. I’m currently working on our new website that will better represent what our podcast is about and although the podcast will be the cornerstone of the “brand” we are actively looking for content creators that fit our brief, to work on video and written content as well. HAVE WHAT IT TAKES? get in-touch! You won’t need to change a thing (hopefully) once the podcast is ready you will see a new logo and name but SHOULD still work if I get my redirects right! But we will make you all aware when it’s “go time!” Ryan and I would like to thank everyone who has tuned it, we really didn’t think THAT many would tune in to listen to us, and it’s that reason we want to deliver you all something better.