After a decade of marital problems, 39-year-old flight attendant Helle Crafts finally decided to get a divorce from her domineering husband Richard. On November 18, 1986, after a long flight from Frankfurt, Helle was dropped off by coworkers at her Newtown, Connecticut, home. She was exhausted from the flight but excited to be getting home to her three children before a severe snowstorm was to hit later in the evening. As her friends saw her off, it didn’t cross their minds that it would be the last time they’d ever see Helle again.
Show written by Lauren Daryani
Narrated and edited by Dan Kelton
Music by Bababeats
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Gado, Mark. “The Wood Chipper Murder Case.”
Gombossy, George. “Crafts Loses Appeal For New Trial.” The Hartford Courant, July 7, 1993.
Mcurray, Kevin. “23 years ago Richard Crafts was more willing to part with his wife than his money.” Newstimes, November 18, 2009.
Herzog, Arthur. The Woodchipper Murder. New York, Henry Holt & Company, 1989.
Lee, Henry. Cracking Cases: The Science of Solving Crimes. Amherst, Prometheus Books, 2002.
Grogan, David W. “The Lady Vanishes, and a Woodchipper Leaves Just a Shred of Evidence.” People Magazine, August 1, 1988.
Wikipedia Contributors. “Corpus delicti.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 3 November 2019, Accessed 29 November 2019.
Wikipedia Contributors. “Murder...