Season two is here and it’s all about self care! For the next five weeks we are going to journey through the different facets of what authentic self care is. Listen, it’s so much more than a vacation, massage or a hot bath with essential oils and candles. Though those may be part of self care it’s not its sum total. There is so much more that goes into truly caring for oneself. Care is defined as: the provision for what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance and protection of someone! When I asked myself what was necessary for me to operate at my most optimal level in my spiritual, mental, emotional, financial, vocational, relational, recreational and physical life, I was surprised to discover that I couldn’t answer this question for some of these areas of my life. And I knew that if I didn’t know what was necessary I certainly wouldn’t know what needed to be done to maintain and protect it. So, I did what I knew to do and that was to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to teach me what I need and show me the areas in my life that were causing me to be complacent and settle for less than God’s best for me. Now, these past few weeks have not been easy nor pretty, but it has been so necessary and so worth it! So much so that I felt led to share with you some of the things I have learned these past few weeks that literally blew my mind and it is my prayer that what He did for me He will do even more for you as we embark upon these next five weeks focusing on the gift of self care! Whose ready?