This episode delves deeper into the human wonder that was Thomas Sankara in part two of our podcast on Burkina Faso. Sankara was a visionary, a dedicated Burkinabe and someone who genuinely wanted to make the world a better place. Even when in following the letter of the law, some people who failed in a coup against him were executed, he was dismayed. He did not want them to be executed. Yet he accepted the rule of law.
In the next episode of our trip through the history of Burkina Faso, we will venture into a story that looks at the demise of Thomas Sankara and the dictatorial rule of a friend and ally who turned his back.
It is interesting to note as an aside that none of the information referred to in our podcast is secret, designated confidential or indeed hard to find, yet the horrific violation of sovereignty by western nations is remarkably underplayed by mainstream media. There is a dissociative characteristic that does not allow us truly to fathom the actions conducted by western authorities on other nations. We ignore the severity and illegality of them because they were done by our ‘side.’ Yet when any similar activity occurs from another state there is absolute outrage
Let us look at two examples. France, a former colonial power and current neo-colonial power, creates a backstory of corruption and treachery against a leader in an African country and with the help of allies like the UK seeks to introduce a regime change to bring about a more amicable trading partner. The media is relatively silent on the whole thing. Russia sends two spies to the UK to murder a person they have labelled a national security risk, and the UK media goes crazy, and it is thereafter always referred back to.
In my opinion both of these actions are wrong. The difference I refer to is the prejudicial role the media plays in its reporting. I would invite people to reconsider many of the truths they believe they know, especially if they were taught such things at school. If we are to allow our opinions to dictate our actions, then we are responsible for making sure our opinions are based on facts. That also means do not automatically accept whatever you hear on a podcast. What we talk about, if they are topics that interest you, should inspire you to do a bit of fact checking yourselves. The world today is highly volatile, and understanding why this is the case, and how to diffuse the situation is fundamental if we wish to try to pass on a habitable world to the next generation.
I am as usual joined by Esheru, who I shall dub “Esheru the informed” because of his amazing depth of knowledge in all topics concerning colonialism and global injustice. Esheru is an activist and a friend, and I thank him dearly for his time.
TwoandaMic clocking out!
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Instagram: TwoandaMic
Twitter: TwoandaMic1
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PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content...!