If you find a song “Boring”, use Chord Substitutions to spice them up. Kahai Challenges Aldrine to demonstrate a couple of ways you can change a song by “Replacing” one or two chords. Aldrine starts by adding notes to the base chord to make new Substitutions. On the next Level, Aldrine shows how you can use Relative Chords as Substitutions, and how you can combine both techniques to make a song your own. The guys also discuss how knowing some Music Theory is a good shortcut to find new Substitutions, but if you want to jump in, it can be as easy as Adding or Subtracting fingers from a Chord. The team shares some of their favorite examples of Musicians who didn’t know Music Theory, but still made great Music. Viewers ask about Baritones as Starter Ukes, and what Amp Settings should be used for Ukuleles before the guys open a gift box from UU Member, Rux.