Whether it is the "twisties", anxiety of media obligations, or depression professional athletes are starting to speak out about issues that they are dealing with and how those issues affect their performance.Just because you turn professional does not mean that your problems will go away or that new problems will arise. So what should you do?
Tune in as we Go Under Those Lights with Dr. Carrie Hastings, licensed clinical and sports psychologist, and the Mental Health Clinician for the 2022 Super Bowl Champs LA RAMS.
Dr. Carrie Hastings Background: 5:40
What is Mental Health?: 9:40
Perception vs. Reality: 11:40
Common Issues that professional athletes encounter: 19:15
Common Issues that younger/amateur athletes deal with: 24:10
Can you teach a kid how to handle losing appropriately? 32:50
What mental health signals should parents be looking for: 36:00
The one statement that a study shows that athletes want to hear from their parents after competition: 45:40