Vanessa Reiser is a licensed Clinical Social Worker based in New York City. She is running a 285-mile journey across New York State, from Oswego to Manhatten, in only 12 days while wearing a wedding dress to raise awareness for "narcissistic domestic abuse". Reiser aims to raise $200,000 which she will donate to domestic violence centers in each of the counties she is running through.
Reiser has experienced narcissistic domestic abuse first-hand and is the founder of the nonprofit "Tell A Therapist", which connects people nationwide with clinicians that specialize in narcissistic abuse and recovery. You can access the resources and donate to this effort here:
Her run will take place from May 17 to May 29 and she will travel through Oswego, Onondaga, Madison, Otsego, Delaware, Sullivan, Orange, and New York Counties. A map of her run can be found here:
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