It’s yeah gurl, Madeleine Russell with part 1 of the next installment of URFAT2 hosted by me and Bill Gevirtz, Chicago comedians who have no business criticizing anyone else’s appearance.
This week we’ve got Cleveland Anderson, who was my first choice for the bodcast because he’s such a good dresser. Cleveland uses these next to episodes to teach Bill, me and and my one listener, my dad, Professor David Russell about all the fashion terms that we would never have guessed but now can use every day in Chicago.
We take on Madeleine’s list of no-no’s and Cleveland mostly agrees with me! No men in flip flops from now on! However, fubu sweatshirts are a yes, even if you’re a 14 year old girl in Ames, IA. And I share the fact that 2 men have brought a gun on a first date with me.
"Fat Freak by Roberro ft. robwalkerpoet" by Martijn de Boer (NiGiD) is licensed under CC 3.0