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A NSFW satirical parody newscast in a world where all video game characters exist in the same reality. listener discretion is advised, you've been warned. Starring Scott Phillips, Sarah Golding, and Jeremy Hennessy. Additional voices by Danielle Reis, Drew Profit, Mike Janson, and Austin Beach. Music By Dayn Leonardson, Cover art by Kessi Riliniki. SFX by Austin Beach and
A NSFW satirical parody newscast in a world where all video game characters exist in the same reality. listener discretion is advised. You've been warned. Starring Drew Profit, Sarah Golding and Jeremy Hennessy. additional voices by Danielle Reis, Mike Janson, Scott Phillips, and Austin Beach. Music by Dayn Leonardson. Cover art by Kessi Riliniki SFX by Austin Beach and
a NSFW satirical parody news broadcast in a world where all video game characters exist in the same reality. listener discretion is advised, you've been warned starring Sarah Golding, Jeremy Hennessy, and Mike Janson. additional voices by Danielle REis, Drew Profit, Scott Phillips, and Austin Beach. cover art by Kessi Riliniki, music by Dayn Leonardson SFX by Austin Beach and
Episode 4 of an NSFW satirical parody news broadcast in a world where all video game characters exist in the same reality. listener discretion is advised. You've been warned. starring Sarah Golding, Jeremy Hennessy, and Mike Janson. additional voices by Danielle Reis, Drew Profit, Scott Phillips, and Austin Beach. cover art by Kessi Riliniki, Music by Dayn Leonardson. SFX by Austin Beach and
A NSFW satirical parody news broadcast where all video game characters exist in the same reality. Starring Jeremy Hennessy, Sarah Golding, and Mike Janson. Additional voices by Danielle Reis, Drew Profit, Scott Phillips, and Austin Beach cover art by Kessi Riliniki, Music By Dayn Leonardson
A NSFW satirical parody news broadcast in a world where all video game characters exist in the same reality. this show is not suitable for all audiences, listener discretion is advised. enjoy at your own risk starring Sarah Golding, Jeremy Hennessy, and Mike Janson, with additional voices by Danielle Reis, Drew Profit, Scott Phillips, and Austin Beach. cover art by Kessi Riliniki. Music by Dayn Leonardson. SFX by Austin Beach and
A NSFW satirical parody news broadcast in a world where all video game characters exist in the same reality. Episode 1 Monday Edition, written by audioblivious productions, produced by Austin Beach, Starring Jeremy Hennessy as Blip 8bit, Sarah Golding as Pixel Flowers, Mike Janson as Skip Laggy, all additional voices by Audioblivious Productions. Cover art by Kessi Riliniki, Music by Dayn Leonardson of Koach Studios Sfx by Austin Beach and
a trailer for season 1 of Video Game World News Tonight An Audioblivious Production
The podcast currently has 8 episodes available.