Have you been curious about this podcast's long running host Dr.Andrea's Paige's journey?
In this first part, one of the Vitality Podcast's new hosts Nikethana and Andi discuss her very personal story of birthing the The institute for Alivness and this Podcast, we talk about the importance of full spectrum embodiment in health and the journey of self-realization through multiple death processes.
Andi reflects deeply on the challenges and lessons learned from running TIFA and this ongoing hero's journey of self-discovery. I share my personal experience of going through the TIFA Masters program and also a 40-day silence retreat and the lessons that came from it. The conversation delves into the deeper aspects of personal growth, spiritual awakening and what it means to be truly alive today.
By Dr. Andrea Paige
How long have I been here?
Mr. Peanut reaches across the infinite abyss.
His smooth, matte black arm knocks up upon ribs.
These MC Escher stairs make a nice obstacle to climb, as he yells: “Get me out of here!”
The sound reverberates back and echoes to him:
“There’s nowhere else but heeeeere!” as it knocks off his inflatable top hat.
“My name is amnesia,” Mr Peanut says… tries to spell it out through oversized glove - hands beneath, reaching up between ribs…
As he misses a step and falls down Escher’s maze into another round of eternity.
“Get me out of here” becomes the echo of: “There’s nowhere else but here,” someone shouted at him before.
He finds himself upright. Sitting on a stair.
Sore bum, he starts racing up the stairs, tailcoat trailing behind him in the windless vacuum of eternity.
“My name is Amnesia! Didn’t you hear me?”
The echo comes around as he leaps,
Touching - barely grazing a rib - “There’s nowhere else heeeereeee.”
The matte black arm falls off into the abyss.
Escher architected for just this very happening.
Mr. Peanut forgets he ever had one and keeps scaling the stairs.
Eventually, his inflatable hat finds a life of its own, floating upward, toward the light.
“My name is Amnesia,” someone taps him on the shoulder.
He’s on his bum once again.
To know more of Andi's work please go here .
Link to New Host Nikethana’s Master’s thesis on TIFA referenced in the episode