Steve Davis, Simon Walker, Joanne Payne, Tabatha Griffin, Tom Karmel, Jenny Dodd, Hinemoa Priest, Melanie Kyle, Erica Smith, Olivija Komadina, David Longley, Christina Scott-Young, Michael Bassham, Joy de Leo, Michael Healy, Michelle Circelli, Angela Damm, Charmaine Marshall, Jeff Lynch, Tina Berghella, 29 November 2023 (85 mins)
In 2023, we invited expert vocational voices from the VET sector to share their views, stories, experiences and insights on a range of hot topics.
‘Best of 2023’ is a roundup of the most interesting snippets and research findings from across the four podcast episodes we released during the year. Full of short and sharp insights from each of our guest speakers, we cover off some of the best bits of Season 8.