From color changing, to art making, and even singing, we are constantly surprised by the amazing behaviors of fish – both in nature and in our aquariums. In this episode, the Water Colors team discusses their top 5 favorite behaviors exhibited by fish. Some of these are easy to witness in your home tanks, such as parental care, while others happen in the open ocean and have yet to be replicated in aquariums. Let’s take a deep dive into the amazing world of fish behavior!
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Species mentioned in this episode:
White spotted puffer, torquigener albomaculosusGenus GeophagusGenus XenotilapiaDiamond sleeper goby, valenciennea puellarisHector’s goby, koumansetta hectoriWatchman goby, cryptocentrus cinctusGenus hypoplectrusParachromis doviiHyposophrys nicaraguensisNeetroplus nematopusBetta albimarginataCuckoo catfish, synodontis multipunctutusGenus campostomaGenus nocomisGenus semotilusWhite cloud mountain minnow, tanichthys albonubesGenus cirrhilabrus, Fairy and Flasher wrassesGarra rufa Cleaner wrasse, labroides dimidiatusCleaner goby, Elacatinus oceanops