One on Won
By: Devon L Phaneuf (7.11.2020)
With personality wavering,
Every bite he is savoring.
“What is artificial flavoring?”
...He asks, with brain laboring.
“Is the mind man made?”
“Like the cards we trade,
In the games we’ve played?”
...heavy are the thoughts he weighed.
“A base is a place,
(This is certainly the case),
But also cosmetic: for the face.”
...he gathered further into grace.
“A column is a pillar,
And a plow is a tiller.
If death is the killer,
Then life is the filler.”
Still he mustered further:
“Do we really deserve her?
With her ground we gather nurture,
From clay blood and lush furniture.”
“People are the mixer,
Despite their trials to fix her;
Only their absence is her elixir.
The fire has dwindled...down to a flicker.”
He then looked up as the zenith...
“One who lives and sees this,
With love for what a seed is,
Will grow to learn what need is.”
“If only I could teach it,
This thing I think a secret,
For all to learn and frequent.”
...calmly he stopped to seize it.