Episode 5 - Gender Journey (Trigger warning)
This week we have the most amazing Radio presenter and all round power house, Helen Scott @helenscottuk and model, non-binary, speaker and activist Jude @ becomingjude. We hear their coming out stories, becoming your authentic self, discuss the anxiety around correct terminology and pronouns.
Then we delve into how making mistakes is a part of learning, how crucial communication is, asking questions in the right way and in the correct environment, how honesty is the best policy and educating yourself is key.
We touch on positive activism, pressure on being trans, confidence development, happiness, finding your community, re writing your narrative and learning to love yourself and celebrating that.
Safety first and look after yourself, The Albert Kennedy Trust is a fantastic organisation to reach out to if you need help with coming out. https://www.akt.org.uk/ there is a community waiting for you and do not forget that you are totally normal and so loved. Mermaids Org is amazing for supporting young people and their families too. https://mermaidsuk.org.uk/
Don’t forget about the empowerment you can get through being authentic and remember we should all be allies. Rach and Sian x