James and Stephen talk to key stakeholders in the Care For All In Education initiative. visit www.careforallineducation.com, read below, and listen to the amazing people interviewed in this podcast, including the Wellness Support Specialists you would be connected with, who helped this project come together. This is a fantastic opportunity for all in education in Manitoba.
Our educational workforce have been struggling for over two years with the challenge of continuing to provide vital front-line services during the pandemic while supporting the educational success of Manitoban students. Increased pressures, physical distancing requirements and the stress and anxiety of dealing with a worldwide health crisis have resulted in many educational workers reaching or approaching the point of mental and emotional burnout.
For this reason, the Canadian Mental Health Associations – Manitoba & Winnipeg, with funding from the Province of Manitoba have partnered to create the Care for All in Education Initiative, providing both a digital mental health and wellness resource of mental health and a dedicated team of wellness support specialists to assist in connecting you with programming and services you need.
As you navigate through this site, please feel free to reach out to your wellness support team who are here to support you on your journey to support your own mental health, wellness and recovery. We care for ALL of our educational workforce who are working so diligently during these times of unprecedented individual, workplace and societal pressures. Let us support you in finding the care you need. Contact us by phone at 1-877-602-1660 or by email at [email protected]