Following "The Poop Episode," this week’s show begins with Adam & Michael rather appropriately talking about their latest, mostly self-caused "stomach ailments." Then after giving their thoughts on the big boxing match between mixed martial artist Conor McGregor and boxer Floyd Mayweather, the guys segue into the featured topic… all about Adam’s grandfather, Samuel Robinson aka "Grandpa Sammy." Not just a timeline of a wonderful man’s life from proud US Veteran to world traveler, Adam shares a number of great stories about his relationship with his grandfather, from the time Sammy saved Adam from drowning, to the time he bought Adam and his sister Kit Kats, instead of the requested Tic Tacs (Sammy unfortunately had some trouble hearing). This podcast could never truly do Mr. Robinson justice, but we hope you enjoy a little insight into the life of someone who was a truly wonderful father, son, husband, grandfather, friend, and much, much more.