Ad Age Small Agency of the Year’s Tasha Cronin, head of production at Mojo Supermarket, joins the podcast to break down the significance of music in advertising. With deep experience in the world of production working with brands like Meta, HBO, and even working on an award winning campaign for DojaCode, Tasha dives into her process and shares key advice for fellow industry professionals.
Episode Highlights:
05:05 - Tasha shares a few things she wishes she knew when she first started in the music-for-ads world
09:00 - Tasha discusses some of the most difficult things she faces when working in production
13:00 - Tasha dives into the importance of starting the music process early
16:45 - Beto shares how he thinks music can best be leveraged on social media
18:20 - Tasha gives an in depth look at an award winning campaign for DojaCode
28:25 - Tasha shares key takeaways and advice
More on SoStereo:
SoStereo makes it fast and easy for brands & agencies to use real music by real artists on their video content. Our goal is to help brands unlock the marketing power of music; to elevate content & better connect with consumers. Find out more at