Unfortunately, the world has conspired to make getting in touch with your best prospects much harder than it’s ever been before. You can’t call them because they’re not in their office. You can’t email them because they have spam filters or hidden email addresses. You can reach out to them on social media because their feeds are overrun with spammy outreach. You can get to them with content because they’re peppered with similar messages from similar companies. What do you do? During the show today, we’ll help you figure this out. We’ll break down four different types of campaigns inbound, outbound, demand generation and account-based so you know the pluses and minuses of all four.
When do you use Inbound? What should you expect from it? How does it work? Why does it work well and in what situations? The same for outbound, demand generation and account-based campaigns. Interestingly enough, it’s very possible you need all four, used in various situations and deployed correctly.
- The differences between each of these four campaign types.
When to use them, what to expect from them in terms of results, and what the investments need to be to see results.Certain types of companies might fair better with specific types of campaigns, we’ll dig into that too.We’ll look at the data and privacy considerations for all four types of campaigns. You just can’t ignore these anymore.We’ll look at the metrics to track and the results you should expect.How much alignment with sales is required for each different type of campaign?