Life doesn't always turn out the way you expect, but that's ok because maybe it will lead you to a really great place. Julia found that place in coaching parents of highly sensitive children. But she didn't start knowing that she would work with children. In fact she started college thinking she would become a vet.
One decision led to another and eventually Julia found herself in Boulder, Colorado where she would meet a young student that taught her about Highly Sensitive Children and also about herself. Now she knows her calling is to help parents understand their highly sensitive kids so that these kids can have the best chance at being their best selves.
Learn more about Highly Sensitive Children through Julia's article:
Empaths, Dictators, and Silent Observers: A Quick Guide to Understanding Highly Sensitive Children
Get more information about Julia and how she helps parents here:
If you need help working with your child, then grab her free resources and schedule a free call with her.