With the first (And last? No idea) of our LOCKDOWN specials, middle notch comedians Lee 'Chimmichangas to go' Kyle and Sammy 'L'il Miss Monochrome' Dobson do an episode of Which is the Best, the podcast where we decide between things of the same or similar names with the twist of this one being from different houses due to THE NEW NORMAL.
Yep, that's right, your 19th favourite podcast is back.
Here's the soundcloud link but you can also get it on your preferred podcast app. Except spotify because we haven't got round to it.
Since you're stuck in, if you're new to it, there's 153 other episodes stretching back to 2016 if you want to listen to the documentation of 2 odd minds unravelling, ravelling again and then unravelling.
This week:
Symmetry: That side is the same as that side. How pleasing.
Cemetery: A nice walk and timely reminder of death.