In this episode, Ainsley, Austin & Joe discuss fad diets, beer for dogs, things found in the weird parts of the internet, unfortunately named bands, reinventions of older things, community theater and improv, and a number of podcasts.
“What’s that place called?”
2: “These people are clearly delusional.”
Snopes Article on Breatharians
(cough cough) “I feel fine.”
3: “We can’t afford to live there, it was too cool for us.”
Dog Lover’s Night At Tin Shed
“This is so fucking Portland.”
4: “You’re never alone if you’re drinking with your dog.”
“This drink contains no alcohol.”
5: “The Golden Age of The Internet.”
“It literally doesn’t load.”
6: “The natural extension of all the S&M bullshit of the 90’s.”
“There’s a very big sexuality component.”
7: “I go to the weird part of the internet.”
“Please don’t send me a photo of that.”
8: “I want to have safe search on.”
Abe Vigoda / CP Split Single.
“You couldn’t do Anal Cunt now.”
9: “How many original members?”
“The worlds biggest karaoke band.”
10: “I was so pissed off by the end.”
“It was a shot for shot remake.”
11: “More water from that stone.”
“You’ve seen a few people take advantage of this.”
13: “It’s so well observed.”
Cancer Schmancer by Fran Drescher
“Oh shit, I’ve heard it’s good.”
14: “My nephew’s an understudy for a tree.”
“Is this an improv thing?”
Will & Bobby Know Everything
“I’m still on their Patreon.”
17: “Yeah, that’s funny.”
“Yell out suggestions from the audience.”
18: “A therapy session for small time comedians.”
“Trying to work out how to be better.”
Old Movies on YouTube:
“I get into some weird shit on YouTube.”
22: “No map, no food and no nothing.”
“Just like in real life.”
Zoë’s Appearance on What’s This Called? in 2006
Zoë’s Appearance on Radiolab
24: “Like we are in this moment.”
Dr. Frank Interview w/ Austin on KPSU
The “Why Did We Do This?” Content Boost gofundme Page.
“Talking about the show in a meta context.”