We bring our best to the world when we bring our true selves and our own magic. But for many, that is a distinct dream as they labour under layers of unhelpful ideas, expectations and opinions. In short, they’re not being real. In this episode, we explore why this happens and how to let the true you emerge more fully out into the light of day.
- Meditation and its benefits
- No gurus, incense or weird stuff required
- Feeling like there’s a real you somewhere deep down
- Most of our experience is layers of sensation and belief
- We act according to your beliefs
- Practising paying focused attention to the moment
- Breath, sound, sights, sensations, aches, busy mind
- Meditation enables you to realise the layers upon you
- There is much we carry that we simply don’t need to
- Finding yourself isn’t external
- Taking off layers of ideas, expectations and habits
- It’s like a pile of blankets on top of you
- Taking them off reveals the true you
- Saying ‘no’ or ‘no longer!’
- ‘I do not want that anymore.’
- We accumulate layers from our parents, friends, the media, the church…
- Claustrophobic relationships
- Financial hopeless
- Stuck in a life-sucking job
- Doubting long-held religious faith
- The real you emerges from underneath all the layers.
The sense you have is okay, it’s proof of life.
- Give voice to it by writing down your thoughts, concerns and questions. Get them out of your head and onto paper.
- Decide whether an item either helps or hinders. Categorise your thoughts and feelings to discern their value. Not everything is valuable.
- Give yourself permission to say no. Or say, I no longer do this. Clear space for yourself by taking things off the table. Talk to them. Reject them.
- Do some self-enquiry - ask yourself a few critical questions. Ask with your head, but listen with your heart. What is surfacing? Take note of it. Spend time fleshing it out. What does it mean? Why is it important? What would it mean for you? Questions like:
- What do I really want from now on?
- Who do I truly want to be?
- What do I genuinely enjoy doing?
Keep exploring this until further clarity comes.
Take initial actions on things you believe are central to the real you.
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