Tree Details
Hardiness zone: 4 – 8
Height: 40 – 60 with a maximum of 100
Spread: 20 – 30
Habit: In youth: pyramidal, full and dense; At maturity: greatly variable
Light: Full sun
Soil: Rich, moist soil, well-drained preferable
Flowers: not showy; open before the leaves
Fruit: small, 1/2 – 3/4 long pods, 2 – 4 together on a short stalk
Landscape use: Excellent for residential properties, parks, golf courses, commercial areas
History: Native range is China and Japan; introduced in 1865
Pests\Problems: Pests: none; Problems: inconsequential sun scald and bark splitting
Significant Features: Yellow to magnificent apricot fall color; heart-shaped leaves