This week Theresa, Linda, Pat and Heather are toughing it out on their own, with Nicola and Stephanie beaming in their contributions from afar. They discuss Therapeutic Reading, after Stephanie wonders if anyone has been called 'pretty' and if so, if they really know what it means. In the spirit of the song lyric discussion last week, Nicola's 'work in progress' is a rather surprising hip-hop song lyric which she gamely 'spits to some beats'. Heather and poet Amy Lee Tempest share what's on their respective bedside tables.
Write Club The Podcast is a weekly show for aspiring writers, published authors and readers everywhere. Join Stephanie Rouse, Theresa Stoker, Heather Worsley, Linda Jackim Werlein, Pat Woolfe & Nicola Cairncross each week where they'll share guest readings and interviews, along with what they're reading, what they're writing and what it's really like to be an aspiring writer. You can join in the weekly "Name the Novel" quiz and find out "What's On The Bedside Table?"