We are exactly 51 days from the new year and ya girl is ti-red!! Between doing it scared, parenting, killing the new job and being across the country from everything familiar, my anxiety has been through the roof lately. Last week, I had my first panic attack ever...on an airplane (insert complete freak out!!). As I sat on the airplane floor, sweating, with my pants soaked in leaking refrigerator water, praying and crying, I kept reminding myself to "just breathe." Breathe through the mask that was sticking to my face, breathe through my accelerated heartrate, breathe through the cool air blowing directly into my face (shoutout to the flight attendants). Looking back, my ability to "just breathe" through the terror is what got me through it and today I want to encourage you to do the same. Whatever you're facing, whatever is commanding your attention, whatever has you feeling like you might not make it...stop for a minute and just breathe. Don't focus on what's next or what was last, focus on the very minute you're in and just breathe through it. Give yourself some grace. Nothing lasts forever - bad OR good - so just give yourself some space to breathe and take in all that's good in the moment, even if you aren't sure what that is! Love ya'll, mean it.