You don't feel alone because you are alone. You feel alone because you aren't at peace with yourself.
You feel alone because you don't love yourself.
You feel alone because you've been conditioned to believe that you need another person to complete you. You don't.
You feel alone because you're comparing yourself to others. You don't have to.
You feel alone because you have yet to realize there is a greater purpose for your life.
You feel alone because all you're thinking about is YOURSELF.
Think about it. If your mission was to do good for others, to serve others, to love others and give your best to everyone you encounter, there is no loneliness there.
Loneliness can only exist when your thoughts are 100% focused on yourself and what YOU DON'T HAVE.
You feel alone because you're not living the life you want to live. You're not living as YOU. When you live a truly authentic life, the right people will show up.
If you are following the life you want to live, digging deep into your purpose, you will be so lit up with passion. There won't be room for empty feelings of darkness.
Dr Wayne Dyer once said, you cannot be lonely if you like the person you are alone with.
Wayne Dyer博士曾经说过,如果你喜欢和你待在一块的人,那么你就不会感到孤独。
Spend more time alone and learn to love it. Learn to love it because you love the person you are becoming. Because every day you are focused on your purpose. Your mission in life.
Every day you are chasing your dreams and living with passion in your soul.
Practicing daily GRATITUDE for what you do have, the people you do have in your life. And the PERSON YOU ARE ALREADY, will replace those feelings of loneliness with feelings of fullness.
So, if you feel alone, know that it is not other people you need. It is you who needs to grow.
Know it, and commit to the work that is required to get to that place.
Commit to the reading, the daily gratitude, the learning from the best teachers, the inner work, the meditation, all of it.
Grow yourself and the right people will show up.