코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트

'요즘 소개팅'은 이렇게 한다?

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Stop swiping, start swapping

진행자: 최정윤, Tannith Kriel

[1] In South Korea, dating doesn't get any better online. That's because dating app users here are often preoccupied with appearances and make a wild number of swipes to find "the one." Even if they are initially attracted by profile photos, developing romantic feelings while meeting face-to-face is another hurdle that needs to be overcome.

preoccupied: 사로잡힌/ with~: ~에 집착하는

wild number: 말도 안 되는 숫자

[2] Now, South Koreans are turning to the aptly named "rotation sogaeting" in search of love. It is a type of speed dating where an even number of men and women -- from eight to 32 -- gather at a venue, usually a quiet pub. Participants switch seats to engage in brief, timed conversations that typically last about 15 minutes. Each hours-long session is priced between 50,000 won ($34.51) and 70,000 won.

turn to: ~에 의지하다, ~로 고개를 돌리다

aptly: 적절하게 / aptly named: 이름이 적절하게 붙은ㄷ

engage in: ~에 참여하다

[3] Many find they have a higher chance of meeting their future partner this way, saving time and money, compared to traditional one-on-one sogaeting, which refers to blind dates with people introduced by family members or friends.

refer to: ~라고 불리는

[4] On Blind, an anonymous online forum for verified employees, there are posts looking for rotation sogaeting participants after work. According to the official website of Talk Blossom, a company that organizes speed dates, it has organized over 500 speed dates from 2022 to 2024, with more than 6,000 people participating.

forum: 토론회

기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/article/10419379

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