Rakesh Rana, a name I heard from many during my stay at Sathkol, Uttarakhand. The residents of Sathkol credited him for shaping the life of the youth in their village. Rakesh is a professional mountain biker and cyclist. He has participated in over 100 races and has not only changed the course of his life, but also of those around him. His cousins have followed his footsteps and are today, National Champions. It is incredible how one person can influence the life of so many others. Rakesh is an "influencer" in the truest way! This conversation was recorded in Jan 2022 during my stay at Sathkol. Rakesh shares his journey, the challenges he faces, his dream for not just himself, but for the village he comes from. I had so much fun connecting with him, I hope you all too get influenced by his innocence and will.