In this episode of your health transformation, I talk about anti-cancerization along with our guest speaker Dr. Dominic Brandy. Dr. Dominic Brandy shares his personal story of how he got cancer, what he did, and how he got cured. He also lists down some of the medications he took and takes which work for him. He explains how to plant food is more fibrous and nutrient than any other thing and also explains how cancer takes place in the body. He highlights things that should be eliminated if someone suffers from cancer and to prevent it. If you ever want to check your supplements you can go to and check. He puts light on why u should eat plant-based food more, why and what are the importance of turmeric and talks about its anticancer activities along with various tips. He also talks about how soya milk has great properties and how and why he adds and takes five teas together. Finally, he concludes by stating the three steps which are exercise, stress reduction, and sleep.
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