What do you do when you receive a HUGE windfall of cash at work?
Do you spend it right away? Or pretend like it doesn't exist?
If you want to start feeling more confident about your finances, I have a treat for you! Today, you'll meet Andrea Ramos, Money Coach and advocate of first-gen American women of color, and she'll bring you all of her amazing expertise.
We'll start by answering the burning question: What should you do with the money?!
We'll explore the intriguing world of super savers and super spenders.
We'll talk about our cultural upbringing as daughter of Latinx immigrants and how our relationship with money is deeply psychological and impacted by our experience with money growing up.
We'll also touch on investing, whether you should hire a financial advisor or financial coach, and how to find self trust within yourself to make the moves that make sense for YOU.
- Follow Andrea on IG: @building.gen.wealth
- Check out Andrea's podcast Latina Investors (on Apple & Spotify!)
- Free Training: How To Answer The Most Important Interview Question (this is how I landed 2 six-figure big tech job offers in a tough job market!)
- I offer a 5-month career coaching program for busy professionals who want to land an exciting new job offer in record time. Schedule a free 60-minute consult with me to learn more or visit: wwww.yourlatinacareercoach.com.
- Follow me on IG at @priscillabulcha
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