Worried? Stressed? Always Feeling Anxious Without An Actual Reason?
Some people thrive on dashing from one thing to another, seemingly flourishing on the stresses and strains of everyday life. Yet, while appearing to successfully cope with these stresses and strains, some folk express a constant feeling of anxiety. I refer to this feeling as ‘free-floating anxiety.’
This state of ‘free-floating anxiety' is not a justifiable state, because there is actually nothing for them to feel anxious about. They are just feeling anxious; can’t put a finger on what is causing them to feel anxious; it’s just there. Constantly. Free-floating anxiety.
In time, this ‘free-floating anxiety' which is usually accompanied by other seemingly unrelated symptoms, results in a person going to see a doctor, who, on hearing that his patient is feeling anxious, gives a diagnosis of ‘anxiety state.’ Here’s the rub. Although a diagnosis of Anxiety State may seem logical, it’s actually a perilous diagnosis, implying that a person is mentally ill and incapable of adequately controlling their thoughts and life.
Yet doctors frequently give a diagnosis of Anxiety State to folk who lead successful lives, have successful careers, marriages, and families. Why? Well, it’s likely that the patient also has other bewildering symptoms and has undergone various tests, x-rays and examinations – and the results have all proved negative; so all the doctor has to go on is the patient’s persistent anxious feeling.
Now, anyone in this situation should be considered a serious candidate for a diagnosis of Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome. This is an insidious respiratory condition that creates a profound biochemical disturbance in the body, and can affect any organ in the body; even mimicking conditions such as heart disease or cancer. Symptoms such as panic attacks, pins and needles, pains that dot around in the body, lethargy, fatigue, mental/physical depression, sighing/yawning/crying a lot, migraine, brain fog, visual/sleep disturbance. The list goes on with seemingly unrelated symptoms, yet all tests, x-rays and examinations will all prove negative.
Although Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome can be debilitating, it can be overcome by teaching the body to breathe healthily again.
I’m delighted to offer private re-breathing consultations in my clinic in Marlow, Buckinghamshire. Alternatively, click on https://www.yourpanicfreelife.com and check out the amazing online breathing re-training programme that leads the way from Panic To Recovery.
Annie Roy-Barker,
Quit Panic Expert,
Specialist in Dysfunctional Breathing,
Founder of Your Panic Free Life.