Your website has a place and a purpose in your business. Are you updating it regularly?
Unfortunately, in the online world, out of mind is not out of sight. The 3 little (big) reasons why you don’t update your website are:
DIY dramas
copy confusion
technical tangles.If you’ve been feeling embarrassed about the state of your website and instead putting attention into other areas of your business, that’s okay. But, I want to give you the confidence to try again.
The key to getting over your resistance to updating your website is to accept that you’re not a coder or designer.
You’re an entrepreneur. It’s in your job description to give things a try, learn, and practice.
However, if you’re in true need of tactical and practical perspective, there are ways I can help with content clarity, the easy way to launch a website, and website wayfinding.
Get website content clarity
You need a website that feels aligned and works for you. It needs to speak to your customers’ hearts. If you have a website for your side hustle and it doesn’t feel quite right, go to to request content clarity.
Here's the website launch checklist.
Win window shoppers: your 5 second chance with website wayfinding
When new customers come to your site, you have a few moments to capture their attention. If you haven't already, listen to the previous podcast episode, Win window shoppers: your 5 second chance with website wayfinding.
Track music Birds by Scandinavianz | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License