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The podcast currently has 191 episodes available.
How can we teach our children and teens to live out their faith and devotion to Jesus Christ in a culture that is largely ignorant of and even averse to the Gospel? One powerful teaching tool which we oftentimes overlook are the stories we can pass on regarding those who over the course of church history have devoted themselves, warts and all, to faithfully following Jesus Christ, regardless of the cost. On this episode of Youth Culture Matters, I chat with biographer Ellen Vaughn about Elisabeth Elliot, a modern-day follower of Christ whose ups and downs filled life and devotion to Christ offers a powerful example of what it means to live counter-culturally for the sake of the Gospel.
How can we best care for and love our kids as they navigate life in a confusing culture that encourages questioning whether or not they were born in the right body? As Christians, we are called to root our convictions on identity and gender in the unchanging word of God. Still, there’s been lots of confusion among youth workers and parents regarding the issue of gender, leading many to misguide kids in deeply damaging ways. Now, a growing number of detransitioners are speaking out from their own experience about the insidious and damaging transgender ideology. We welcome author, filmmaker, and the executive director of the Center for Bioethics and Culture, Kallie Fell, to take us into the very personal and compelling stories of detransitioners, on this episode of Youth Culture Matters.
This episode was originally released on April 26, 2023.
Don’t judge. You do you. Be authentic to yourself. God just wants you to be happy. These are just some of the cultural mantras that saturate the soup of today’s culture. If we aren’t careful, even followers of Jesus Christ can get swept up in the spirit of the times and believe these lies that we see and hear on social media each and every day. Alisa Childers will help us understand how to listen to evaluate and respond to these cultural lies as we talk about her new book, Live Your Truth and Other Lies: Exposing Popular Deceptions that Make Us Anxious, Exhausted, and Self-Obsessed, on this episode of Youth Culture Matters.
If you’re a youth worker or parent, you’ve been called to lead. As followers of Jesus Christ, learning to lead properly and to his glory is essential if we hope to nurture our kids in the Christian faith. I recently read a short little leadership book that took me on a deep and helpful journey into looking at who I am as a leader. The book, Faithful Leaders, And The Things That Matter Most is the most helpful leadership book I’ve ever read and I believe it would be for you, too. Stick with us as I engage in an energizing chat with the book’s author, Rico Tice, on this episode of Youth Culture Matters.
Journalist Abigail Shrier is no stranger to controversy. She hit the topic of rapid onset gender dysphoria hard in her first best-selling book, Irreversible Damage. Recently, she released a new book, Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up, which calls out therapeutic practices which she believes hurt rather than help our kids. Stick with us as I chat with counselors Julie Lowe and Dr. Phil Monroe to get their take on Shrier’s new book, on this episode of Youth Culture Matters.
The school year has come to a close and we’re launching into the summertime, a season that the old popular tune tells us is a time when the living is easy. If you’re like most, the summer months are a time for vacation getaways and getting your nose into a good book or two. On this episode of Youth Culture Matters, I’m going to share a very fast run-through of twenty books from which to choose if you’re looking for some good summer reading, all of them related in some way to faith, life, youth work, and parenting in today’s world.
Over the course of our years studying youth culture here at CPYU, there are a host of films that have offered us helpful peeks into the adolescent experience. One of the most provocative of those films is 1985’s The Breakfast Club. As the fortieth anniversary of the film is coming up, it’s amazing how well the film still captures the realities of teenage life. Today, I chat with a couple of youth workers about how The Breakfast Club is still very moving, and in many ways timeless, on this episode of Youth Culture Matters.
What is it like when undeserved mercy confronts undeniable evil, when kindness upends condemnation, and when heaven engages hell? Today, I interview two members of a family about how these things became real for them. It’s a story we need to hear, to consider, and to share with our children and teens as a way to learn about God’s amazing grace. Listen in as I chat with Tim Rogers and Megan Shertzer about how mercy is more powerful than murder, on this episode of Youth Culture Matters.
Our children and teens are growing up in a world marked by a confusing mix of ever-changing challenges, choices, pressures, and expectations. These realities make it increasingly difficult for them to know what to believe and how to live in the world as faithful followers of Jesus Christ. How will they know right from wrong? How can they develop Biblical wisdom in order to be able to discern truth from lies? We are talking about practical ways to cultivate wisdom and discernment in our kids, on this episode of Youth Culture Matters.
It was back in January of 2007 that Apple CEO Steve Jobs spoke prophetic words to the attendees at the Macworld Conference. Jobs famously said, “Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything.” He was talking about the smartphone, a device that has changed just about everything. Stick with us as we have a youth worker roundtable conversation about the latest findings on teens, tech, and social media, on this episode of Youth Culture Matters.
We begin the podcast with a fun discussion about music. Then CPYU Research Fellows and Youth Workers, Jason Engle, Kerry Trunfio, Tim McAlpine, and new CPYU staff John Barry, talk about the U.S. Surgeon General's Advisory on Social Media and Youth Mental Health. We take a look at some of the data it points to, as well as practical ways the insights can impact our ministries. We also look at a few trends and news stories from the world of teens and technology and discuss how to approach the issues biblically.
The podcast currently has 191 episodes available.
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