Have you ever gone roller skating? It's not as easy as you might think! When people go roller skating, they sometimes think holding hands with a friend will help them stay standing. But most of the time, they're, uh, wrong. Instead of helping each other stay standing, they end up sprawled all over the ground. Roller skating probably isn't going to be the most difficult challenge we're going to experience, but you and your friends will soon face a challenge where you'll need to help each other stay standing, like when you're tempted to make poor or dangerous choices, or when someone experiences a tragedy or questions what they believe. In Ephesians 6, Paul tells us how to prepare for danger and difficulty. First, he says, "put on the armor of God." We need God's truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and Spirit to stand strong. Second, pray for each other, because when we're under attack, we can stand strong together.