Special Note:
This episode of Youtubular Conversations started out as a live stream on my YouTube channel and on my blog TalkingAboutEverything.com. Learn more at the bottom of this post.
This Week
This week we talk about money and video… and how YouTube is offering and pricing their premium products, explore PewDiePie reduction in monetization on YouTube and PewDiePie’s own content (which is increasingly non-monetizable). To then move the conversation away from money, I discuss Jenny Doan who has profited from YouTube by giving her content away.
Jenny runs the Missouri Star Quilt Company and was featured in the official YouTube blog
Live “local” TV on YouTube
YouTube’s “Live” TV bundle at $35 a month seems perfect for someone who “cut the cord” and has gone OTT – Over the top (of the set-top box).
For myself — I love bundles of TV shows as much as I loved the music industry bundling songs I didn’t want into a long playing record (LP) – Harry Hawk
I want a $25 dollar a month bundle that includes the full Red package (no ads + Music) and some of the cable programming but no sports and no local TV – Harry Hawk
Cutting the cord..
Still YouTube has thrown in a bunch of “goodies” to sweeten the deal. Each subscription comes with 6 different users accounts, each with its own DVR with unlimited recording capacity.
Ideal for spouses, lovers and others who want to watch certain shows “together”They can have a “together” account while they each maintain their own accounts for the shows they will watch on their own.With parental controls you might even be able to have a family channel which records and locks-up programs until homework is completed.Red programmingSeeing Red
In the era of Russian American rapprochement, retrenchment, and intrigue Red programming seems wildly political but it’s just a name for YouTube’s premium vers. of the free streaming product.
Videos can be downloadedAll ads are turned offYou get premium access to Google Music YouTube Red Originals (learn more at IMDB)New shows from YouTube’s biggest stars
Live Local TV + Red Originals
So last week I wanted to know how much of the “Red” Originals was included in the Live TV offering?
My assumption had been that only the programming was included. Michelle Slavich Head of Entertainment Communications at YouTube was able to confirm that with me earlier this week:
You are correct- the YouTube TV membership includes our original series and movies, but not the other features of red like ads-free and music service. – Michelle Slavich
One of the major programs that was promised as part of the Red Originals was a new show from Felix aka PewDiePie. Given the recent conflicts between the penultimate streaming network and their most popular creator — that show was canceled several weeks ago.
Felix has announced a new show on Twitch -the live streaming network which seems to be YouTube’s largest competitor. It’s not clear how popular he will be there. As of the morning on April 12, his new Twitch channel had less than 7 million views.
It will be interesting to see if Felix’s presence on Twitch encouraged more folks to kick the tires and give it a try – Harry Hawk
PewDiePie’s Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/pewdiepie
Less Money
It’s up for debate on funny Felix really is, and how loyal his fans are. With less of his shows earning monetization, and reductions in status (like the lose of the his show for Red) it is understandable that he may wish to “explore his options.”
Twitch like YouTube has content standards e.g., Community Guidelines. So while reportage implies that Twitch is far more Laissez-faire than it is; Twitch is certainly not 4Chan.
There are reports that PewDiePie’s income has dropped
His new show is called “Best Club,” is hosted on a channel called Netglow, and bills itself as a talk show – Business Insider (link)
For YouTubers large or small ad revenue matters.
Selecting HD playback options on YouTube
Quilting with Jenny
I love to highlight stories that make it into the official YouTube blog and this weeks post about Jenny from Missouri Star Quilt Company is extraordinary.
Our first two stories are all about direct income from content — Jenny shows us another way – Harry Hawk
Giving value to gain a platform
It is clear to me that Jenny and Missouri Star Quilts are following an “Inbound” strategy. After all, YouTube is the world 2nd largest search engine.
Jenny has put out 100’s of quilting tutorial videos
Lesson for Communicators
I think this is a major lesson for all communicators who are working with clients and brands to build organic community support, and even drive sales. If Jenny from Missouri can do it, so can you!!
Playlists: Clear Focused Value
Each Missouri Star video, and video collection (playlists) is focused on delivering clear value – Harry Hawk
Today Jenny’s channel has over 360,000 subscribers. She has a workforce of 400 people, and has 14 different shops in her home town.
Clearly a case of doing well by giving people great value – Harry Hawk
6VIDEOS Patriotic Quilting & Sewing Tutorials
53VIDEOS 2016 Tutorials
14VIDEOS Quilting Terminology
The blog post is found here. You can listen Jenny Doan’s channel introduction (which I started playing on the podcast) below:
Special NOTE:
This episode of Youtubular Conversations started as a Live stream on YouTube.. visible from on my YouTube channel. My TalkingAboutEverything.com web site also has a “YouTube Live” page — all my live streams appear there as well.
Seven Easy Steps
I recorded using my professional microphone setup [MXL -> Berhinger Mixer –> Chromebook]On the Chromebook I run Ubuntu 16.04 under the Crouton extension.Within Ubuntu I use the open source package Open Broadcast System (OBS); OBS grabs my web cam and audio feeds and streams them off to YouTube.After I ended the stream it is automatically saved to YouTube.I used the built-in trim and split tool within YouTube to roughly edit the video (see below).I downloaded the rough edit and exported the audio to Audacity where I editted the video.I did my final post production using Auphonic and a setting of 19 LUFS.Here is a “behind the scenes” video I recorded on April 11 when I testing out the setup.
The post Seeing Red Programming and Jenny’s Quilts appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.